Category Archives: Weight loss

Why it’s so difficult to lose weight?

Some reasons are obvious, some are not. We'll focus on the latter.

Magic Avocado – 10 reasons to put it on your daily menu

Truly, there's no other fruit (or vegetable) quite like it – probably the best food [...]

A counter-intuitive but very effective weight loss exercise

The first thing that comes to mind when you want to exercise to lose some [...]

The 21-90 rule. Myth or fact?

It’s said that you need 21 days to make a habit, and 90 days to [...]

Do sweat vests work? Yes. Really? Absolutely.

OK, we’re the people selling this stuff, so it’s not that easy to trust us. [...]

GoldenStarSport Sweat Vest works for you while you’re working

It sounds like just a play on words but isn’t. You can really enjoy the [...]

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