GSS GoldenStarSport • Sweat vest for men • sauna garment • slimming • weight loss • definition • workout

Do sweat vests work? Yes. Really? Absolutely.

OK, we’re the people selling this stuff, so it’s not that easy to trust us. But have a look at our products’ reviews on Also, some independent studies are saying the same thing.


The scenario is as follows. You want to lose weight and strive to increase the number of hours of daily exercise. Maybe you walk more, you run a few times a week or you ride a bike, maybe you follow a gym program – cardio or lifting weights.


The question is: can you speed up the weight loss process? We say yes.

With the help of our products you can increase your body temperature, sweating more and eliminating excess water, burning more calories, increasing the metabolic rate – which is generally beneficial, especially for those not so young anymore.

The GoldenStarSport vests target the entire torso, and the GoldenStarSport belts focus on the waist area, where the fat deposits and volume increase affects us the most. And both type of products are high quality and efficient.

We say we have very good products. Our customers agree.

We have hundreds and hundreds of positive reviews, most buyers on giving us 5 stars. If you’ve ever tried to sell something online, you probably know how hard it is to get such results … primarily because satisfied people tend to write fewer comments, and disappointed people are generally more passionate and more active. (By the way, both categories are important to us – positive feedback, suggestions, but also dissatisfaction or a mismatch with expectations being what helps us improve our product and our communication.)
You can take a look through our store on, here, then browse the buyers comments.

Independent studies are beginning to confirm the effectiveness of quality sweat products.

We, as a brand, are far from strong enough to sponsor or at least encourage studies that include our products or others in the same category. But with the rise of interest and the growth of the market, such tests have already appeared.

One of the studies, initiated by ACE (American Council On Exercise) and conducted by Lance C. Dalleck, Ph.D., together with a team from the High Altitude Exercise Physiology Program at Western State Colorado University, investigated the effectiveness of training in “sauna suits” for common people (not athletes, who often use such products to get used to competing in higher temperatures).

The test involved 45 people (aged between 18 and 60, with a BMI between 25 and 40, and a body fat percentage of over 22% for men and over 32% for women. Three groups were created: one that used “sauna” type products, another without, and a third just for control.

For a two months period, both exercise groups took part in workout program, everyone performing three 45-minute workouts with moderate intensity (treadmill, elliptical and rower) and two 30-minute workouts with higher intensity (spin class) every week. They all ate normally (no special requirements, no weight-loss diets at all) and didn’t do any exercise outside of the study’s guidelines.

As you would normally expect after a period of training, at the end of the trial all exercisers saw improvements in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and total cholesterol reduction, as well as a decreased waist circumference.

What is worth mentioning is that the sauna suit group saw a greater improvement in all key measures over those who exercised in regular clothes. The “sauna” group dropped around 13.8 % of their body fat versus the regular exercisers, who only dropped 8.3 % respectively. They also saw a greater improvement in their VO2 max, 11.7% versus 7.3% (this being the best indicator of cardiovascular endurance), increase in fat oxidation (the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel), and a greater decrease in fasting blood glucose (an important marker for diabetes and prediabetes). The people using sauna garments also saw an average of 11.4% increase in resting metabolic rate (how many calories the body burns at rest) compared to those training in regular clothes, which saw a 2.7% decrease. And there is the overall weight drop, too: 2.6 % of their body weight for sauna products group versus a much smaller 0.9 % drop for the normal clothes group.
You can read more about this study accessing the ACE’s website, here, but it’s not the only one drawing this kind of conclusions.

There are lots of benefits form exercising using quality sauna/sweat garments: health benefits, weight benefits, plus psychological benefits from getting faster, more visible results.
And using a portable heat stress in the form of a dedicated wearable product as an exercise/training efficiency booster is a good strategy for anybody – normal, overweight and obese clients alike.


Note: If you suffer from a serious medical condition like diabetes or heart disease you should consult your doctor before exercising regularly with a sweat vest, sauna suit or any similar product. In any case, always be aware of your body and the way it reacts to heat stress and exercise stress. Even perfectly healthy people should take a gradual approach to exercising.

You can see/shop our products here, or go directly to our store, here.

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