We are in a “state the obvious” mood right now 😁, so we’ll start with just that: it’s hard to lose weight because food is delicious, drinks are inviting, exercise is hard and time is short.
Some of us have some medical problems, too, or even some genetic predisposition pushing us toward the heavier side of the scale.
But, of course, there are also some not-so-obvious reasons why it is so difficult to lose weight, and because we’re still at the beginning of the year – when we all struggle to put into practice that New Year’s resolution, we decided to list them here.
Awareness is the first step to success, they say, coming into play way before knowledge, practice, and expertise. So here are some of the other common weightloss enemies:
Unrealistic expectations
The internet is full of bullsh*t, mainly because the “bull” wants you to buy a lot of expensive sh*t 😎.
That uber-premium home-gym machine? That magic weight-loss pill? That miracle training program? Well, they might work, but not necessarily for you, and definitely not that efficient and not that fast as advertised.
You should look for more honest approaches, and go for premium value, not for premium price. And take every promise with a grain of salt, believing more in yourself and your abilities, than in miracle solutions. For good results, expect to really work with any good product, not for the product to magically work for you.
Short-term attitude
This is sometimes hard to accept but to get where you want to be takes time. If you start believing you’ll get it done in no-time, the only thing you’ll achieve is the circular (and pointless) scheme where you quickly lose some weight, only to put it back in its entirety (or more) quicker than you thought is possible.
Keto, fat, paleo, or any other “rapid” diets may have, of course, some benefits. But you should carefully consider how any of those approaches fit your body and your way of being. And you should remember that a well-balanced diet (restrictive, but not drastic) is much, much more efficient in the long term, providing a slower weight-loss rate, but an achievable, healthy lifestyle.
One to two pounds per week (maybe a little higher at the beginning for the very overweight) seems to be the magic weight-loss number for those who managed to avoid a rebound.
Lack of support
You might say that this does not depend on you, and you’re partially right, but you could actively participate in creating the sort of environment that helps you achieve your goals.
Supportive family members and significant others are critical to successful weight loss. If they are not, is probably because they didn’t understand how important weight-loss is for you and for their relationship with you, too. Take time to kindly explain, and “recruit” them into your support system.
Also, find friends who are on the same journey or make friends with people you meet along the way. Go online if no other way is available to you at one point in time. Support and understanding are way more important than you think.
That party acquaintance who wants you to “have a great time” by bringing you free drinks from the bar, that gourmand friend who would “never give up” the tasty fatty food, that relative who lovingly tempts you with homemade cakes and treats… All might be well-intended at some point, but they’re also trying (wittingly or not) to impose their way of life over you.
Stigma and shame are very common reasons why some of us can’t stick to a healthy diet or a gym-going routine. Don’t fall for this trap! You decided to make some adjustments to your life. That’s it. YOUR life.
The all-or-nothing mindset
Periods of determination and success are always followed by times of, let’s say, weakness and failure to stick to the perfect plan. And those with an “all-or-nothing” mindset tend to bounce from one donut exception to a full box, a cake, two chocolates, and a pack of biscuits because they “already ruined it, so why not just go all the way”. That attitude is destructive.
Don’t overreact when you let yourself down a bit, and focus on the long-term war, not the battle you just lost.
Thinking one way conquers all
Diet is best: a flat stomach is made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Exercise is best: it doesn’t matter what you eat if you burn enough calories in a day. What type are you? Because you really shouldn’t pick sides this time.
You cannot burn or sweat all your poor diet habits. Equally, you cannot starve-diet yourself to a slim silhouette and strong muscles.
A weight-loss goal and a healthy lifestyle need both, and you shouldn’t prioritize one over the other. Period.
You’re on a burnout, ignoring rest and sleep
Overworking, overachieving, looking to have too many things, trying to be in too many places… Sounds familiar? It might actually be the illness of the century or at least the cause for lots of our problems and illnesses.
Of course, it feels great when handed the reward, but keep in mind that coffee and energy supplements have nothing to do with “fuel”, only masking the real needs of your body and mind. What you need are healthy nutrients, regular exercise, sleep, love, and to off-load your mind from time to time. If you are too stressed, you will find it impossible to achieve your weight-loss goals (and any other long-term goals for that matter).
And these are only some of the reasons why it’s so hard to lose weight. We could add others, some easier to overcome – like one’s poor ability to make an effective schedule, others requiring a more sustained effort – like psychological barriers needing introspection and/or specialized intervention and support.
What we think is important to remember is that weight loss is no easy task, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly by those in need of it, or by those around them. Every one of us will find some aspects of it more difficult than others, and each of us should listen to all advice available, look for the best examples, then focus on our own way of achieving it. Every one of us is unique, and the way to our weight goal will be different.
• If you want to read more about how exercising could get you easier over stressful times, you can do it here.
• When it comes to building a lifestyle, is there a better way to do it? Is the 21-90 rule a myth or a fact? Read more here.
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Image: motortion (top), Marina P. (bottom) – stock.adobe.com